

Code Notes

Intended audience

This document is a collection of notes about the internals of Machinekit. It is primarily of interest to developers, however much of the information here may also be of interest to system integrators and others who are simply curious about how Machinekit works. Much of this information is now outdated and has never been reviewed for accuracy.


There will be a chapter for each of the major components of Machinekit, as well as chapter(s) covering how they work together. This document is very much a work in progress, and its layout may change in the future.

Terms and definitions

  • 'AXIS' - An axis is one of the nine degrees of freedom that define a tool position in three-dimensional Cartesian space. Those nine axes are referred to as X, Y, Z, A, B, C, U, V, and W. The linear orthagonal coordinates X, Y, and Z determine where the tip of the tool is positioned. The angular coordinates A, B, and C determine the tool orientation. A second set of linear orthagonal coordinates U, V, and W allows tool motion (typically for cutting actions) relative to the previously offset and rotated axes.

    Unfortunately “axis” is also
    sometimes used to mean a degree of freedom of the machine itself, such
    as the saddle, table, or quill of a Bridgeport type milling machine. On
    a Bridgeport this causes no confusion, since movement of the table
    directly corresponds to movement along the X axis. However, the
    shoulder and elbow joints of a robot arm and the linear actuators of a
    hexapod do not correspond to movement along any Cartesian axis, and in
    general it is important to make the distinction between the Cartesian
    axes and the machine degrees of freedom. In this document, the latter
    will be called 'joints', not axes. (The GUIs and some other parts of
    the code may not always follow this distinction, but the internals of
    the motion controller do.)
  • 'JOINT' - A joint is one of the movable parts of the machine. Joints are distinct from axes, although the two terms are sometimes (mis)used to mean the same thing. In Machinekit, a joint is a physical thing that can be moved, not a coordinate in space. For example, the quill, knee, saddle, and table of a Bridgeport mill are all joints. The shoulder, elbow, and wrist of a robot arm are joints, as are the linear actuators of a hexapod. Every joint has a motor or actuator of some type associated with it. Joints do not necessarily correspond to the X, Y, and Z axes, although for machines with trivial kinematics that may be the case. Even on those machines, joint position and axis position are fundamentally different things. In this document, the terms 'joint' and 'axis' are used carefully to respect their distinct meanings. Unfortunately that isn’t necessarily true everywhere else. In particular, GUIs for machines with trivial kinematics may gloss over or completely hide the distinction between joints and axes. In addition, the ini file uses the term 'axis' for data that would more accurately be described as joint data, such as input and output scaling, etc.

  • 'POSE' - A pose is a fully specified position in 3-D Cartesian space. In the Machinekit motion controller, when we refer to a pose we mean an EmcPose structure, containing three linear coordinates and three angular ones.

Architecture overview

There are four components contained in the Machinekit Architecture: a motion controller (EMCMOT), a discrete IO controller (EMCIO), a task executor which coordinates them (EMCTASK) and several text-mode and graphical User Interfaces. Each of them will be described in the current document, both from the design point of view and from the developers point of view (where to find needed data, how to easily extend/modify things, etc.).

Machinekit block diagram small

Machinekit software architecture. At the coarsest level, Machinekit is a hierarchy of three controllers: the task level command handler and program interpreter, the motion controller, and the discrete I/O controller. The discrete I/O controller is implemented as a hierarchy of controllers, in this case for spindle, coolant, and auxiliary (e.g., estop, lube) subsystems. The task controller coordinates the actions of the motion and discrete I/O controllers. Their actions are programmed in conventional numerical control "G and M code" programs, which are interpreted by the task controller into NML messages and sent to either the motion or discrete I/O controllers at the appropriate times.

Motion Controller Introduction

The motion controller receives commands from user space modules via a shared memory buffer, and executes those commands in realtime. The status of the controller is made available to the user space modules through the same shared memory area. The motion controller interacts with the motors and other hardware using the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer). This document assumes that the reader has a basic understanding of the HAL, and uses terms like HAL pins, HAL signals, etc, without explaining them. For more information about the HAL, see the HAL Manual. Another chapter of this document will eventually go into the internals of the HAL itself, but in this chapter, we only use the HAL API as defined in src/hal/hal.h.

Machinekit motion controller small

Block diagrams and Data Flow

The following figure is a block diagram of a joint controller. There is one joint controller per joint. The joint controllers work at a lower level than the kinematics, a level where all joints are completely independent. All the data for a joint is in a single joint structure. Some members of that structure are visible in the block diagram, such as coarse_pos, pos_cmd, and motor_pos_fb.

emc2 motion joint controller block diag
Joint Controller Block Diagram

The above figure shows five of the seven sets of position information that form the main data flow through the motion controller. The seven forms of position data are as follows:

  1. 'emcmotStatus->carte_pos_cmd' - This is the desired position, in Cartesian coordinates. It is updated at the traj rate, not the servo rate. In coord mode, it is determined by the traj planner. In teleop mode, it is determined by the traj planner? In free mode, it is either copied from actualPos, or generated by applying forward kins to (2) or (3).

  2. 'emcmotStatus->joints[n].coarse_pos' - This is the desired position, in joint coordinates, but before interpolation. It is updated at the traj rate, not the servo rate. In coord mode, it is generated by applying inverse kins to (1) In teleop mode, it is generated by applying inverse kins to (1) In free mode, it is copied from (3), I think.

  3. 'emcmotStatus->joints[n].pos_cmd - This is the desired position, in joint coords, after interpolation. A new set of these coords is generated every servo period. In coord mode, it is generated from (2) by the interpolator. In teleop mode, it is generated from (2) by the interpolator. In free mode, it is generated by the free mode traj planner.

  4. 'emcmotStatus->joints[n].motor_pos_cmd' - This is the desired position, in motor coords. Motor coords are generated by adding backlash compensation, lead screw error compensation, and offset (for homing) to (3). It is generated the same way regardless of the mode, and is the output to the PID loop or other position loop.

  5. 'emcmotStatus->joints[n].motor_pos_fb' - This is the actual position, in motor coords. It is the input from encoders or other feedback device (or from virtual encoders on open loop machines). It is "generated" by reading the feedback device.

  6. 'emcmotStatus->joints[n].pos_fb' - This is the actual position, in joint coordinates. It is generated by subtracting offset, lead screw error compensation, and backlash compensation from (5). It is generated the same way regardless of the operating mode.

  7. 'emcmotStatus->carte_pos_fb' - This is the actual position, in Cartesian coordinates. It is updated at the traj rate, not the servo rate. Ideally, actualPos would always be calculated by applying forward kinematics to (6). However, forward kinematics may not be available, or they may be unusable because one or more axes aren’t homed. In that case, the options are: A) fake it by copying (1), or B) admit that we don’t really know the Cartesian coordinates, and simply don’t update actualPos. Whatever approach is used, I can see no reason not to do it the same way regardless of the operating mode. I would propose the following: If there are forward kins, use them, unless they don’t work because of unhomed axes or other problems, in which case do (B). If no forward kins, do (A), since otherwise actualPos would never get updated.


This section simply lists all of the commands that can be sent to the motion module, along with detailed explanations of what they do. The command names are defined in a large typedef enum in emc2/src/emc/motion/motion.h, called cmd_code_t. (Note that in the code, each command name starts with 'EMCMOT_', which is omitted here.)

The commands are implemented by a large switch statement in the function emcmotCommandHandler(), which is called at the servo rate. More on that function later.

There are approximately 44 commands - this list is still under construction.


The ABORT command simply stops all motion. It can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted. It does not disable the motion controller or change any state information, it simply cancels any motion that is currently in progress.[1]


None. The command is always accepted and acted on immediately.


In free mode, the free mode trajectory planners are disabled. That results in each joint stopping as fast as its accel (decel) limit allows. The stop is not coordinated. In teleop mode, the commanded Cartesian velocity is set to zero. I don’t know exactly what kind of stop results (coordinated, uncoordinated, etc), but will figure it out eventually. In coord mode, the coord mode trajectory planner is told to abort the current move. Again, I don’t know the exact result of this, but will document it when I figure it out.


The FREE command puts the motion controller in free mode. Free mode means that each joint is independent of all the other joints. Cartesian coordinates, poses, and kinematics are ignored when in free mode. In essence, each joint has its own simple trajectory planner, and each joint completely ignores the other joints. Some commands (like JOG) only work in free mode. Other commands, including anything that deals with Cartesian coordinates, do not work at all in free mode.


The command handler applies no requirements to the FREE command, it will always be accepted. However, if any joint is in motion (GET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG() == FALSE), then the command will be ignored. This behavior is controlled by code that is now located in the function 'set_operating_mode()' in control.c, that code needs to be cleaned up. I believe the command should not be silently ignored, instead the command handler should determine whether it can be executed and return an error if it cannot.


If the machine is already in free mode, nothing. Otherwise, the machine is placed in free mode. Each joint’s free mode trajectory planner is initialized to the current location of the joint, but the planners are not enabled and the joints are stationary.


The TELEOP command places the machine in teleoperating mode. In teleop mode, movement of the machine is based on Cartesian coordinates using kinematics, rather than on individual joints as in free mode. However the trajectory planner per se is not used, instead movement is controlled by a velocity vector. Movement in teleop mode is much like jogging, except that it is done in Cartesian space instead of joint space. On a machine with trivial kinematics, there is little difference between teleop mode and free mode, and GUIs for those machines might never even issue this command. However for non-trivial machines like robots and hexapods, teleop mode is used for most user commanded jog type movements.


The command handler will reject the TELEOP command with an error message if the kinematics cannot be activated because the one or more axes have not been homed. In addition, if any joint is in motion (GET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG() == FALSE), then the command will be ignored (with no error message). This behavior is controlled by code that is now located in the function 'set_operating_mode()' in control.c. I believe the command should not be silently ignored, instead the command handler should determine whether it can be executed and return an error if it cannot.


If the machine is already in teleop mode, nothing. Otherwise the machine is placed in teleop mode. The kinematics code is activated, interpolators are drained and flushed, and the Cartesian velocity commands are set to zero.


The COORD command places the machine in coordinated mode. In coord mode, movement of the machine is based on Cartesian coordinates using kinematics, rather than on individual joints as in free mode. In addition, the main trajectory planner is used to generate motion, based on queued LINE, CIRCLE, and/or PROBE commands. Coord mode is the mode that is used when executing a G-code program.


The command handler will reject the COORD command with an error message if the kinematics cannot be activated because the one or more axes have not been homed. In addition, if any joint is in motion (GET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG() == FALSE), then the command will be ignored (with no error message). This behavior is controlled by code that is now located in the function 'set_operating_mode()' in control.c. I believe the command should not be silently ignored, instead the command handler should determine whether it can be executed and return an error if it cannot.


If the machine is already in coord mode, nothing. Otherwise, the machine is placed in coord mode. The kinematics code is activated, interpolators are drained and flushed, and the trajectory planner queues are empty. The trajectory planner is active and awaiting a LINE, CIRCLE, or PROBE command.


The ENABLE command enables the motion controller.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


If the controller is already enabled, nothing. If not, the controller is enabled. Queues and interpolators are flushed. Any movement or homing operations are terminated. The amp-enable outputs associated with active joints are turned on. If forward kinematics are not available, the machine is switched to free mode.


The DISABLE command disables the motion controller.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


If the controller is already disabled, nothing. If not, the controller is disabled. Queues and interpolators are flushed. Any movement or homing operations are terminated. The amp-enable outputs associated with active joints are turned off. If forward kinematics are not available, the machine is switched to free mode.


The ENABLE_AMPLIFIER command turns on the amp enable output for a single output amplifier, without changing anything else. Can be used to enable a spindle speed controller.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


Currently, nothing. (A call to the old extAmpEnable function is currently commented out.) Eventually it will set the amp enable HAL pin true.


The DISABLE_AMPLIFIER command turns off the amp enable output for a single amplifier, without changing anything else. Again, useful for spindle speed controllers.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


Currently, nothing. (A call to the old extAmpEnable function is currently commented out.) Eventually it will set the amp enable HAL pin false.


The ACTIVATE_JOINT command turns on all the calculations associated with a single joint, but does not change the joint’s amp enable output pin.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


Calculations for the specified joint are enabled. The amp enable pin is not changed, however, any subsequent ENABLE or DISABLE commands will modify the joint’s amp enable pin.


The DEACTIVATE_JOINT command turns off all the calculations associated with a single joint, but does not change the joint’s amp enable output pin.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


Calculations for the specified joint are enabled. The amp enable pin is not changed, and subsequent ENABLE or DISABLE commands will not modify the joint’s amp enable pin.


The ENABLE_WATCHDOG command enables a hardware based watchdog (if present).


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


Currently nothing. The old watchdog was a strange thing that used a specific sound card. A new watchdog interface may be designed in the future.


The DISABLE_WATCHDOG command disables a hardware based watchdog (if present).


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


Currently nothing. The old watchdog was a strange thing that used a specific sound card. A new watchdog interface may be designed in the future.


The PAUSE command stops the trajectory planner. It has no effect in free or teleop mode. At this point I don’t know if it pauses all motion immediately, or if it completes the current move and then pauses before pulling another move from the queue.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


The trajectory planner pauses.


The RESUME command restarts the trajectory planner if it is paused. It has no effect in free or teleop mode, or if the planner is not paused.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


The trajectory planner resumes.


The STEP command restarts the trajectory planner if it is paused, and tells the planner to stop again when it reaches a specific point. It has no effect in free or teleop mode. At this point I don’t know exactly how this works. I’ll add more documentation here when I dig deeper into the trajectory planner.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


The trajectory planner resumes, and later pauses when it reaches a specific point.


The SCALE command scales all velocity limits and commands by a specified amount. It is used to implement feed rate override and other similar functions. The scaling works in free, teleop, and coord modes, and affects everything, including homing velocities, etc. However, individual joint velocity limits are unaffected.


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted.


All velocity commands are scaled by the specified constant.


The OVERRIDE_LIMITS command prevents limits from tripping until the end of the next JOG command. It is normally used to allow a machine to be jogged off of a limit switch after tripping. (The command can actually be used to override limits, or to cancel a previous override.)


None. The command can be issued at any time, and will always be accepted. (I think it should only work in free mode.)


Limits on all joints are over-ridden until the end of the next JOG command. (This is currently broken…​ once an OVERRIDE_LIMITS command is received, limits are ignored until another OVERRIDE_LIMITS command re-enables them.)


The HOME command initiates a homing sequence on a specified joint. The actual homing sequence is determined by a number of configuration parameters, and can range from simply setting the current position to zero, to a multi-stage search for a home switch and index pulse, followed by a move to an arbitrary home location. For more information about the homing sequence, see the homing section of the Integrator Manual.


The command will be ignored silently unless the machine is in free mode.


Any jog or other joint motion is aborted, and the homing sequence starts.


The JOG_CONT command initiates a continuous jog on a single joint. A continuous jog is generated by setting the free mode trajectory planner’s target position to a point beyond the end of the joint’s range of travel. This ensures that the planner will move constantly until it is stopped by either the joint limits or an ABORT command. Normally, a GUI sends a JOG_CONT command when the user presses a jog button, and ABORT when the button is released.


The command handler will reject the JOG_CONT command with an error message if machine is not in free mode, or if any joint is in motion (GET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG() == FALSE), or if motion is not enabled. It will also silently ignore the command if the joint is already at or beyond its limit and the commanded jog would make it worse.


The free mode trajectory planner for the joint identified by emcmotCommand->axis is activated, with a target position beyond the end of joint travel, and a velocity limit of emcmotCommand->vel. This starts the joint moving, and the move will continue until stopped by an ABORT command or by hitting a limit. The free mode planner accelerates at the joint accel limit at the beginning of the move, and will decelerate at the joint accel limit when it stops.


The JOG_INCR command initiates an incremental jog on a single joint. Incremental jogs are cumulative, in other words, issuing two JOG_INCR commands that each ask for 0.100 inches of movement will result in 0.200 inches of travel, even if the second command is issued before the first one finishes. Normally incremental jogs stop when they have traveled the desired distance, however they also stop when they hit a limit, or on an ABORT command.


The command handler will silently reject the JOG_INCR command if machine is not in free mode, or if any joint is in motion (GET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG() == FALSE), or if motion is not enabled. It will also silently ignore the command if the joint is already at or beyond its limit and the commanded jog would make it worse.


The free mode trajectory planner for the joint identified by emcmotCommand->axis is activated, the target position is incremented/decremented by emcmotCommand->offset, and the velocity limit is set to emcmotCommand->vel. The free mode trajectory planner will generate a smooth trapezoidal move from the present position to the target position. The planner can correctly handle changes in the target position that happen while the move is in progress, so multiple JOG_INCR commands can be issued in quick succession. The free mode planner accelerates at the joint accel limit at the beginning of the move, and will decelerate at the joint accel limit to stop at the target position.


The JOG_ABS command initiates an absolute jog on a single joint. An absolute jog is a simple move to a specific location, in joint coordinates. Normally absolute jogs stop when they reach the desired location, however they also stop when they hit a limit, or on an ABORT command.


The command handler will silently reject the JOG_ABS command if machine is not in free mode, or if any joint is in motion (GET_MOTION_INPOS_FLAG() == FALSE), or if motion is not enabled. It will also silently ignore the command if the joint is already at or beyond its limit and the commanded jog would make it worse.


The free mode trajectory planner for the joint identified by emcmotCommand->axis is activated, the target position is set to emcmotCommand->offset, and the velocity limit is set to emcmotCommand->vel. The free mode trajectory planner will generate a smooth trapezoidal move from the present position to the target position. The planner can correctly handle changes in the target position that happen while the move is in progress. If multiple JOG_ABS commands are issued in quick succession, each new command changes the target position and the machine goes to the final commanded position. The free mode planner accelerates at the joint accel limit at the beginning of the move, and will decelerate at the joint accel limit to stop at the target position.


The SET_LINE command adds a straight line to the trajectory planner queue.

(More later)


The SET_CIRCLE command adds a circular move to the trajectory planner queue.

(More later)


The SET_TELEOP_VECTOR command instructs the motion controller to move along a specific vector in Cartesian space.

(More later)


The PROBE command instructs the motion controller to move toward a specific point in Cartesian space, stopping and recording its position if the probe input is triggered.

(More later)


The CLEAR_PROBE_FLAG command is used to reset the probe input in preparation for a PROBE command. (Question: why shouldn’t the PROBE command automatically reset the input?)

(More later)


There are approximately 15 SET_xxx commands, where xxx is the name of some configuration parameter. It is anticipated that there will be several more SET commands as more parameters are added. I would like to find a cleaner way of setting and reading configuration parameters. The existing methods require many lines of code to be added to multiple files each time a parameter is added. Much of that code is identical or nearly identical for every parameter.

Backlash and Screw Error Compensation


Task controller (EMCTASK)


IO controller (EMCIO)


User Interfaces


libnml Introduction

libnml is derived from the NIST rcslib without all the multi-platform support. Many of the wrappers around platform specific code has been removed along with much of the code that is not required by Machinekit. It is hoped that sufficient compatibility remains with rcslib so that applications can be implemented on non-Linux platforms and still be able to communicate with Machinekit.

This chapter is not intended to be a definitive guide to using libnml (or rcslib), instead, it will eventually provide an overview of each C++ class and their member functions. Initially, most of these notes will be random comments added as the code scrutinized and modified.


Base class to maintain a linked list. This is one of the core building blocks used in passing NML messages and assorted internal data structures.


Base class for producing a linked list - Purpose, to hold pointers to the previous and next nodes, pointer to the data, and the size of the data.

No memory for data storage is allocated.


Provides a block of shared memory along with a semaphore (inherited from the Semaphore class). Creation and destruction of the semaphore is handled by the SharedMemory constructor and destructor.


Class for passing NML messages between local processes using a shared memory buffer. Much of internal workings are inherited from the CMS class.


The Timer class provides a periodic timer limited only by the resolution of the system clock. If, for example, a process needs to be run every 5 seconds regardless of the time taken to run the process, the following code snippet demonstrates how :

    timer = new Timer(5.0);    /* Initialize a timer with a 5 second loop */
    while(0) {
        /* Do some process */
        timer.wait();    /* Wait till the next 5 second interval */
    delete timer;


The Semaphore class provides a method of mutual exclusions for accessing a shared resource. The function to get a semaphore can either block until access is available, return after a timeout, or return immediately with or without gaining the semaphore. The constructor will create a semaphore or attach to an existing one if the ID is already in use.

The Semaphore::destroy() must be called by the last process only.


At the heart of libnml is the CMS class, it contains most of the functions used by libnml and ultimately NML. Many of the internal functions are overloaded to allow for specific hardware dependent methods of data passing. Ultimately, everything revolves around a central block of memory (referred to as the 'message buffer' or just 'buffer'). This buffer may exist as a shared memory block accessed by other CMS/NML processes, or a local and private buffer for data being transferred by network or serial interfaces.

The buffer is dynamically allocated at run time to allow for greater flexibility of the CMS/NML sub-system. The buffer size must be large enough to accommodate the largest message, a small amount for internal use and allow for the message to be encoded if this option is chosen (encoded data will be covered later). The following figure is an internal view of the buffer space.

CMS buffer
CMS buffer

The CMS base class is primarily responsible for creating the communications pathways and interfacing to the O.S.

1. It seems that the higher level code (TASK and above) also use ABORT to clear faults. Whenever there is a persistent fault (such as being outside the hardware limit switches), the higher level code sends a constant stream of ABORTs to the motion controller trying to make the fault go away. Thousands of 'em…​. That means that the motion controller should avoid persistent faults. This needs to be looked into.