HAL Component Programming - Toolchangers
An area which is ripe for custom HAL components, is the toolchanger used on many lathes and milling machines.
Below are 3 examples of such toolchange components.
They can be used as the basis for the toolchangers on other machines.
The Orac toolchanger for instance is very similar to the one found on the Emco 120, except that the 120 has 4 greyscale sensors intead of 3.
State Machine Programming
The programming technique used in all 3 toolchangers is known as state machine
When the component is polled by the thread it is attached to, it needs to do something as quickly as possible and then return to allow other processes to function.
The basis of it, is to use a flag to set the current progress level in the program. When the component is polled it goes to the level or state, that the flag indicates. It then does a task, sets the flag to the new state and returns.
It is a common technique in realtime components with many variables, inputs and possible states in the program.
If a pause is required to allow mechanical components to engage for instance, the same state is polled repeatedly, each time incrementing a counter, until sufficient time has passed and then the flow moves to the next state.
Functions such as sleep() cannot be used in real time components, they are blocking calls and would prevent anything else working until the period expired.
Boxford Lathe ATC toolchanger component
This component controls 8 station ATC fitted to Boxford 240, 160 and 125
Works on degrees of movement, with ATC defined as rotary axis, so does not require index sensors.
Should be able to be adapted for any lathe using a 'rotate past pawl and reverse to lock' methodology.
The amount of rotation is configurable for fine tuning
component toolchanger """This component controls the Boxford 240
Lathe Auto Tool Changer. M6 calls this""";
pin in bit toolchange "Receives signal that tool change required";
pin in s32 toolnumber "Receives Tx data (tool number requested)
Only allows 1-8";
pin in s32 currenttoolnumber "Receives old tool number";
pin out float position_cmd "Sends location required";
pin out bit toolchanged =false "Sends signal when tool change finished";
pin in bit ishomed = false "Status of A axis homing";
pin in bit jog_forward = false "Facilitate jogging of stepgen via component";
pin in bit jog_back = false "Facilitate jogging of stepgen via component";
pin in float jog_move = 0 "distance to jog";
// allow parameters to be changed by setp for fine tuning
param rw float odd_move = 22.2 "distance from odd tool station to even one";
param rw float even_move = 24 "distance from even tool station to odd one";
param rw float divisor = 2 "used in calculating reverse move to lock";
param rw float fudge_factor = 1 "additional move to ensure locking";
// internal variables
variable int progress_level = 0; // tracks the progress of the toolchange
variable int moves = 0; // number of moves to reach tool station
variable int index = 0; // Counter used for comparison with moves
variable bool bEven = false; // Odd or Even station requested
variable bool bToggle = false; // Status of current move as Odd or Even
variable float position_req = 0; // Where we want to be
variable float position_accum = 0; // Moves are incremental but stepgen is
// absolute so add them up
variable bool bWarn = false; // one shot warning no tool set
variable int delay = 0; // delay before lock back
variable int delay_index = 0; // counter for above
variable bool fjog = false; // use internal flags for jogging after initial
// signal to ensure that one command is
variable bool bjog = false; // carried out at a time - should not be
// possible to be otherwise but paranoia rules
variable float jmove = 0;
option singleton yes; // makes no sense to have more than one of
// these components running - only one ATC
function _;
author "ArcEye <arceyeATmgwareDOTcoDOTuk>";
license "GPL";
float rnd2(float in)
float num = in;
long roundy;
num *= 100;
if(num >= 0)
num += 0.5;
num -= 0.5;
roundy = num;
num = roundy;
num /= 100;
return num;
switch (progress_level)
case 0: // idle waiting for toolchange request
if(jog_forward && ! fjog)
fjog = true;
bjog = false;
jmove = rnd2(jog_move);
position_req = jmove;
position_req += position_accum;
if(position_req > 360)
position_req -= 360;
position_cmd = position_req;
progress_level = 1;
else if(jog_back && !bjog)
bjog = true;
fjog = false;
jmove = rnd2(jog_move);
position_req = position_accum - jmove;
if(position_req < 0)
position_req += 360;
position_cmd = position_req;
progress_level = 3;
// axis does not remember the current tool number,
// so prompt for it when A axis homed
if(ishomed && !currenttoolnumber && !bWarn)
bWarn = true;
// just warn once, its not an error as such but INFO
// won't display unless debugging is set 3+
"No tool selected. Use M6Tx to set current tool");
if(toolchange && !toolchanged)
// prevent cycling after change done
if(currenttoolnumber && toolnumber != currenttoolnumber
&& toolnumber > 0 && toolnumber < 9)
// if a valid number
if(currenttoolnumber == 2 || currenttoolnumber == 4
|| currenttoolnumber == 6 || currenttoolnumber == 8)
bEven = true;
if(currenttoolnumber < toolnumber)
moves = toolnumber - currenttoolnumber;
moves = (8 - currenttoolnumber) + toolnumber;
bToggle = bEven;
while(index < moves)
position_req += even_move;
position_req += odd_move;
bToggle = !bToggle;
if(position_req >= 70)
delay = 70;
delay = position_req;
position_req += position_accum;
if(position_req > 360)
position_req -= 360;
position_cmd = position_accum;
position_cmd = position_req;
progress_level = 1;
// if tool requested is out of range or already selected
// just set the toolchanged flag and exit
progress_level = 5;
toolchanged = 0;
// reset once toolchange flag reset by system
if(toolchange && !currenttoolnumber)
// if no tool is set - set to tool requested so that
// can work next time
progress_level = 5;
} // end else
case 1: // Forward move
if(position_cmd < position_req) // have we got there yet?
if(!fjog && (delay_index < (delay * 100)) )
// this figure depends upon the speed of the servo thread etc
fjog = bjog = false;
progress_level = 5;
position_req -= ((moves / divisor) + fudge_factor);
if(position_req < 0)
position_req += 360;
position_cmd = position_req;
progress_level = 3;
case 3: // Backward locking move or backward jog
if(position_cmd > position_req) // have we got there yet?
bjog = fjog = false;
progress_level = 5;
case 5: // clean up ready for next toolchange
position_accum = position_cmd;
position_req = 0;
delay_index = 0;
moves = 0;
index = 0;
bEven = false;
bToggle = false;
progress_level = 0;
toolchanged = 1; // signal finished
case 10: break;
// should never get here but if we do then loop endlessly doing nothing
progress_level = 10;
"Error state in toolchanger - now disabled - unload toolchanger");
Denford Orac Lathe ATC toolchanger component
This component controls 8 station ATC fitted to Orac lathe
It reads greyscale optical disc and compares to 3 sensor truth table to determine tool position
The lathe has a DC motor which rotates the ATC to position and then reverses back against the pawl and holds, using a lower voltage winding in the motor.
The greyscale sensors are resolved using a truth table.
component oracchanger """This component controls the Orac Lathe
Auto Tool Changer. M6 calls this""";
pin in bit toolchange "Receives signal that tool change required";
pin in s32 toolnumber """Receives Tx data (tool number requested)
Only allows 1-8""";
pin in s32 currenttoolnumber "Receives old tool number";
pin out bit toolchanged = false "Sends signal when tool change finished";
pin out bit delaystart = false "Starts timerdelay";
pin in bit delaydone =false "Signals timer finished";
pin in bit opto1 = false "State of opto sensor 1";
pin in bit opto2 = false "State of opto sensor 2";
pin in bit opto3 = false "State of opto sensor 3";
pin out bit forward = false "Direction signal";
pin out bit run = false "Motor command";
pin in bit ishomedX = false "Status of X axis homing";
pin in bit ishomedZ = false "Status of Z axis homing";
pin out s32 position = 0
"Initialised as a pin for debugging so we can check where it thinks it is";
param rw float times = 500
"""Number of polls of progress_levels 1 & 3 before beginning next move
- gives delay for relays""";
// Internal and debugging stuff
pin out s32 progress_level = 0;
// tracks the progress of the toolchange, just here so it can be read easily
param rw s32 tnumber = 0;
// Internal toolnumber to allow overrun of quadrant by 1 then reverse back onto it
variable bool bWarn = false; // first toolnumber reminder
variable float sleeptime = 0;
// our own timer to set delay between progress levels 1 and 2
option singleton yes;
// makes no sense to have more than one of these components running - only one ATC
function _;
author "ArcEye <arceyeATmgwareDOTcoDOTuk>";
license "GPL";
switch (progress_level)
case 0: // idle waiting for toolchange request
// axis does not remember the current tool number,
// so prompt for it once homed
if((!currenttoolnumber && !bWarn)&&(ishomedX)&&(ishomedZ))
bWarn = true;
// just warn once, its not an error as such but INFO won't
// display unless debugging is set 3+
"No tool selected. Use M6Tx to set current tool");
if(toolchange && !toolchanged)
// prevent cycling after change done
if(currenttoolnumber && toolnumber != currenttoolnumber
&& toolnumber > 0 && toolnumber < 9) // if a valid number
run = false; // switch off motor if already on
tnumber = toolnumber + 1;
if(tnumber > 8)
// add 1 so that stops on sector after required
// & reverses back to it
tnumber = tnumber - 8;
delaystart = false; //new toolchange - reset comp
forward = true;
sleeptime = 0;
progress_level = 1;
// if tool requested is out of range set the toolchanged flag and exit
// should only get this if tool table has more tools than ATC can have
// otherwise emc will error the M6 command
progress_level = 5;
run = false; // switch off motor if already on
if(!toolchange && toolchanged)
toolchanged = false;
// reset once toolchange flag reset by system
if(toolchange && !currenttoolnumber)
// if no tool is set in axis -
// set axis to tool requested so that can work next time
forward = false;
run = false;
progress_level = 5;
if(delaydone) // turn off motor after a delay to lock
case 1: // programmed delay to allow relays time to change over
if(sleeptime < times)
run = true;
progress_level = 2;
case 2: // Forward move - read the truth table to determine position
if(opto1 && opto2 && opto3)
position = 1;
else if(opto1 && opto2 && !opto3)
position = 2;
else if(!opto1 && opto2 && !opto3)
position = 3;
else if(!opto1 && !opto2 && !opto3)
position = 4;
else if(opto1 && !opto2 && !opto3)
position = 5;
else if(opto1 && !opto2 && opto3)
position = 6;
else if(!opto1 && !opto2 && opto3)
position = 7;
else if(!opto1 && opto2 && opto3)
position = 8;
position = 0;
if(!position) // if returning 0 something is wrong
"Error - opto inputs do not match truth table");
progress_level = 12;
// doesn't exist so will go to default, output msg and
// then sit in level 10
if(position != tnumber) // wait for next tool + 1 to come around
run = false;
forward = false;
sleeptime = 0;
delaystart = true;
progress_level = 3;
case 3: // programmed delay to allow relays time to change over
if(sleeptime < times)
run = true; // Backward locking move
delaystart = true;
progress_level = 5;
// after first toolchange or update of tool number this is
// default, reverse with 12v applied to lock
case 5: // clean up ready for next toolchange
delaystart = true;
// start the 5 second delay relay component to give time to latch
progress_level = 0;
toolchanged = true; // signal finished
case 10: break;
// should never get here but if we do then loop endlessly doing nothing
progress_level = 10;
"Error state in oracchanger - now disabled - unload oracchanger");
Triac Mill carousel toolchanger component
The Triac mill has a tool carousel operated by 2 pneumatic rams, one to bring it into line with the spindle and the other to raise and lower it.
A stepper motor rotates the carousel in either direction.
The tool changer component homes the carousel once the mill has been homed, to establish where tool 1 index is and from that which tool is in the spindle.
Thereafter a M6Tn command prompts the removal of the current tool from the spindle, rotation of the carousel to the tool requested and the insertion of that tool in the spindle.
The component uses a modified version of ioControl.cc to automatically update the toolnumber held by linuxcnc and displayed in Axis
This realistically makes the component most easily used within a RIP environment where the new iocontrol can be built in the source tree
The main tuning considerations, in common with many components interfacing with electro-mechanical / pneumatic tool changers, are appropriate delays to allow relays to open, rams to move to their full extent etc.
The figures in the config files are for cncbashers own machine in conjunction with Mesa boards
If software stepping were used and a normal BOB, the delays may require to be longer.
These can be set using the 3 param pins, shortdelay, longdelay and extralongdelay
component triacchanger """This component controls the Denford Triac
carousel Tool Changer - iocontrol calls this""";
pin in bit toolchange "Receives signal that tool change required";
pin in s32 toolnumber "Receives Tx data (tool number requested) 1-6";
pin in s32 currenttoolnumber "Receives old tool number";
pin out float position_cmd """Sends number required,
positive for forward and negative for backward""";
pin out bit toolchanged "Sends signal when tool change finished";
pin out float position_req = 0 "Where we want the axis to go to";
pin in bit bishomed "Linked to halui.joint.4.is-homed";
pin in bit zonhome """Linked to signal for Z Home switch to ensure
spindle up before moving""";
pin in bit toolone = 0 "Linked to tool 1 position sensor";
pin out s32 toolposition = 0 "Links to modified iocontrol.currenttool pin";
pin out bit update = 0 "Trigger pin for update of tool number in iocontrol";
pin out bit spindle_on = 0 """Activating bit for spindle relay,
prevent rotation during toolchange""";
pin in bit vram_up_sw = 0 "Vertical ram in up position";
pin in bit vram_down_sw = 0 "Vertical ram in down position";
pin in bit hram_in_sw = 0 "Horizontal ram in withdrawn position";
pin in bit hram_out_sw = 0 "Horizontal ram in engaged position";
pin out bit vram_on = 0 "Activating signal to move vram in";
pin out bit hram_on = 0 "Activating signal to move hram down";
pin out bit drawbar_off = 0
"Activating signal to hold drawbar in released position";
param rw float longdelay = 50 "Delay between tools";
param rw float shortdelay = 10 "Delay between increments";
param rw float extralongdelay = 300
"Longer delay for drawbar and initial number update";
// internal variables
variable int progress_level = 0;
// switches execution according to state of the toolchange
variable int return_level = 0;
// flag to indicate original positional moves made and carousel in home position
variable int homed = 0;
// "Status of carousel homing - home = tool No1";
variable int once_warn = 0;
// warning flag for rams being in unknown state
variable int moves = 0;
// number of moves to reach tool station
variable int index = 0;
// Counter used for comparison with moves
variable float checkindex = 0;
variable int starttool = 0;
// Holds number of tool at startup (calculated)
variable int delay_index = 0;
// counter
variable bool bWarn = false;
// warning re no tool selected made?
variable bool bReverse = false;
// are we doing a reverse to tool position
option singleton yes;
// makes no sense to have more than one of these components running - only one ATC
function _;
author "ArcEye <arceyeATmgwareDOTcoDOTuk>";
license "GPL";
switch (progress_level)
case 0: if(!bishomed || !zonhome)
// do nothing until carousel axis is 'homed' by Axis and Z is fully up
// do nothing until checked rams in correct place
if(hram_in_sw && vram_up_sw) // rams in home position
started = 1;
"Toolchanger rams in unknown state");
once_warn = 1;
// now check if already at tool 1 - if not rotate carousel to find it
if(toolone && !homed) // already aligned to tool 1
homed = 1;
progress_level = 4;
else if(!homed)
position_req += 75; // move 60deg
index++; // counts the moves to find 1
progress_level = 1;
case 1: // move carousel 60 deg
homed = 1;
progress_level = 4;
if(position_cmd < position_req)
position_cmd += 0.1;
progress_level = 2; //short delay
progress_level = 3; //long delay
case 2: // delay to prevent overrun
homed = 1;
progress_level = 4;
if(delay_index < shortdelay)
delay_index = 0;
progress_level = 1;
case 3: // delay between 60 degs
homed = 1;
progress_level = 4;
if(delay_index < longdelay)
delay_index = 0;
progress_level = 0;
case 4: // now at tool1 need to get back to where we started
checkindex = (position_cmd / 75) + 0.5;
// round up to remove small underruns
index = checkindex;
starttool = (index + 1);
moves = (6 - index); // number to return
position_req = position_cmd;
// having indexed use current position as base for all future ones
position_req += (75 * moves);
position_cmd = position_req;
progress_level = 5;
else // we haven't moved so were homed from start
progress_level = 6;
case 5: // rotate back to original place
if(position_cmd < position_req )
return_level = 27;
progress_level = 26;
case 6: // after homing this is default level
spindle_on = 0;
if(toolchange && !toolchanged)
// prevent cycling after change done
update = 0;
if(toolnumber > 0 && toolnumber <= 6) // if a valid number
if(currenttoolnumber != toolnumber)
spindle_on = 0;
hram_on = 1; // move carousel in
progress_level = 7;
toolchanged = 1;
if(!toolchange && toolchanged)
toolchanged = false;
// reset once toolchange flag reset by system
case 7: // drawbar release
drawbar_off = 1;
progress_level = 8;
case 8: // delay for drawbar release
if(delay_index < extralongdelay)
delay_index = 0;
vram_on = 1; // move carousel down
progress_level = 9;
case 9: // move carousel down and remove tool from spindle
hram_on = 0;
progress_level = 10;
case 10: // move away from spindle
vram_on = 0;
progress_level = 11;
case 11: // move up to parked position
progress_level = 12;
case 12: // calculate moves in parked position
if(toolnumber > toolposition)
moves = (6 - (toolnumber - toolposition));
moves = (toolposition - toolnumber);
if(moves > 3)
// if 4 or 5 moves, quicker to move back 1 or 2 sectors
moves = (6 - moves);
position_req -= (75 * moves);
bReverse = true;
position_req += (75 * moves);
bReverse = false;
progress_level = 14;
case 14: // rotate to selected tool
if(position_cmd > position_req )
position_cmd -= 1;
progress_level = 25;
return_level = 14;
if(position_cmd < position_req )
position_cmd += 1;
progress_level = 25;
return_level = 14;
bReverse = false;
toolposition = toolnumber;
vram_on = 1; // move carousel down
progress_level = 15 ;
case 15:// move carousel down and back out
hram_on= 1;
progress_level = 16;
case 16: // move carousel across
vram_on = 0;
progress_level = 17;
case 17: // move up into spindle
drawbar_off = 0;
progress_level = 18;
case 18:// pause to allow drawbar to fully home
if(delay_index < extralongdelay)
delay_index = 0;
hram_on = 0;
progress_level = 19;
case 19: // hram back home and finish
toolchanged = 1;
toolposition = toolnumber;
progress_level = 6;
case 25: //
if(delay_index < shortdelay)
delay_index = 0;
progress_level = return_level;
case 26:
if(delay_index < extralongdelay)
delay_index = 0;
progress_level = return_level;
case 27: // special level only for initial toolnumber setting on startup
toolposition = starttool;
update = 1;
toolchanged = 1;
progress_level = 6;
case 30:
// should never get here but if we do then loop endlessly doing nothing
progress_level = 30;
"Unsupported state in triacchanger - now disabled - unload triacchanger");