FDM/FFF Specific INI parameters
There are few sections in the INI file specific for 3D-printing.
In the general FDM section parameters that relate to FDM with Machinekit in general are defined.
VELOCITY_EXTRUSION_ENABLE Enables velocity extrusion mode
NUM_LIGHTS Number of lights
NUM_EXTRUDERS Number of extruders
NUM_FANS Number of fans
Machinekit has a INI section for each heating element. These are named
for the extruders (n is the number of the extruder), HBP
for the heated build platform and HBC
for the heated build chamber. It
supports the following parameters:
PID_PGAIN P gain value of the PID component
PID_IGAIN I gain value of the PID component
PID_DGAIN D gain value of the PID component
PID_MAXERRORI Maximum I error values of PID component
PID_BIAS Bias value of the PID component
PWM_MAX PWM value limitation (0-1)
TEMP_RANGE_POS_ERROR Positive temperature error range value. The temperature range specifies how much temperature tolerance should be accepted for the temperature to be in range.
TEMP_RANGE_NEG_ERROR Negative temperature error range value
TEMP_LIMIT_MIN The minimum temperature limit for this heater. Temperatures outside the limit lead to triggering a error.
TEMP_LIMIT_MAX The maximum temperature limit for this heater.
TEMP_STANDBY The standby temperature for this heater.
THERMISTOR Thermistor table to use for this heater.
RETRACT_VEL Retraction velocity for this extruder.
RETRACT_LEN Retraction length for this extruder.
If you have a probing head you need add a few probing related section to your INI file in order to use the G29 and G30 codes.
section contains values related the probe head. X, Y and Z
offset are stored in the tool table as tool offsets. For every probing
point you need to define a Pn
section containing the coordinates of
the probing point. At least one probing point needs to be defined.
Currently only a single point is supported.
COUNT The number of probe points to use. Currently only one supported.
SEARCH_VEL Search velocity when probing.
TOOL_NR Tool number of the probe head to use for X, Y and Z offsets. Usually 100.
START_Z The Z position at which probing should be started. Before probing all machine offsets are cleared. Therefore Z is relative to the homing position.
END_Z The Z position to which the probing head should be moved after probing. This position is in relation to the new offset values after probing. Therefore setting this value to 1 will result in the nozzle being placed 1mm above the build platform.
HBP_TEMP When defined this value specifies the temperature the heated build platform should have when probing is utilized. Specifying this parameter is useful when using a inductive probe sensor and metal build platform.
X X position of the probing point. Y Y position of the probing point.