

FDM/FFF Specific INI parameters

There are few sections in the INI file specific for 3D-printing.


In the general FDM section parameters that relate to FDM with Machinekit in general are defined.


VELOCITY_EXTRUSION_ENABLE Enables velocity extrusion mode

NUM_LIGHTS Number of lights

NUM_EXTRUDERS Number of extruders

NUM_FANS Number of fans


Machinekit has a INI section for each heating element. These are named EXTRUDER_n for the extruders (n is the number of the extruder), HBP for the heated build platform and HBC for the heated build chamber. It supports the following parameters:


PID_PGAIN P gain value of the PID component

PID_IGAIN I gain value of the PID component

PID_DGAIN D gain value of the PID component

PID_MAXERRORI Maximum I error values of PID component

PID_BIAS Bias value of the PID component

PWM_MAX PWM value limitation (0-1)

TEMP_RANGE_POS_ERROR Positive temperature error range value. The temperature range specifies how much temperature tolerance should be accepted for the temperature to be in range.

TEMP_RANGE_NEG_ERROR Negative temperature error range value

TEMP_LIMIT_MIN The minimum temperature limit for this heater. Temperatures outside the limit lead to triggering a error.

TEMP_LIMIT_MAX The maximum temperature limit for this heater.

TEMP_STANDBY The standby temperature for this heater.

THERMISTOR Thermistor table to use for this heater.

RETRACT_VEL Retraction velocity for this extruder.

RETRACT_LEN Retraction length for this extruder.


If you have a probing head you need add a few probing related section to your INI file in order to use the G29 and G30 codes.

The PROBE section contains values related the probe head. X, Y and Z offset are stored in the tool table as tool offsets. For every probing point you need to define a Pn section containing the coordinates of the probing point. At least one probing point needs to be defined. Currently only a single point is supported.


COUNT The number of probe points to use. Currently only one supported.

SEARCH_VEL Search velocity when probing.

TOOL_NR Tool number of the probe head to use for X, Y and Z offsets. Usually 100.

START_Z The Z position at which probing should be started. Before probing all machine offsets are cleared. Therefore Z is relative to the homing position.

END_Z The Z position to which the probing head should be moved after probing. This position is in relation to the new offset values after probing. Therefore setting this value to 1 will result in the nozzle being placed 1mm above the build platform.

HBP_TEMP When defined this value specifies the temperature the heated build platform should have when probing is utilized. Specifying this parameter is useful when using a inductive probe sensor and metal build platform.


X X position of the probing point. Y Y position of the probing point.