instcomp HAL Component Generator
instcomp is the Machinekit component pre-processor and compiler for instantiable components (.icomp)
This manual describes its operation in respect to how it differs from comp, the default inherited Machinekit component compiler.
A familiarity with comp is therefore necessary and assumed.
The essential difference between normal realtime components and instantiable components, is that 'normal components' are loaded once only and have to create as many copies of the component as they need, all at once, there and then.
Instantiable components load the 'base component' and from that can create instances of the component whenever they are required. So instances can be created in separate hal files, on-the-fly or whatever.
Amoungst many advantages, it opens up huge flexibility in configuration.
Naming Conventions
All instantiable components are named to differentiate them from 'normal components'
The component files have the extension '.icomp'
'ddt.icomp' is the component file
which produces a component called
component -
A component is a single real-time base module, which is loaded with 'halcmd loadrt'.
There are two parameters to loadrt
count=N where N is the number of numbered instances to create
names=name1,name2,name3 where the instances are named instead of numbered
By default loadrt component with no params or args, will create a single instance named component.0
One '.icomp' file specifies one component.
newinstance -
Each instance of a component created with a call to 'newinst'
It is created roughly equal (they all have the same functions, and data)
in basic configuration, but with greater or lesser numbers of pins or parameters, different names etc
New instances can be created ad hoc, one for the use at this time and another differing instance created at a later stage.
function -
The function is the part of the code that is attached to a thread and called at every thread period
You MUST declare at least one function in the declaration part of the icomp file above the ';;' delimiters
In this instcomp differs from comp
function _;
This is perfectly sufficient where there is just one function
If there are more than one function, they must all be declared and uniquely named
function readin;
function writeout;
If unnamed the function will be called, component-name.0.funct
halcmd allows just the base component name to be added to a thread, to keep existing configs working
So addf component-name servo-thread will work
What it actually does however is add the .funct bit on the end.
This is necessary to have unique naming of all pins, components and functions to assist in identifying when debugging.
Otherwise the actual component and the function would have the same name.
The function is exported as a xthread function. The following accessors are available within the function:
fa_period(fa) - formerly 'long period'
fa_thread_start_time(fa): actual start time of thread invocation
fa_start_time(fa): actual start time of function invocation
fa_thread_name(fa): name of the calling thread (char *)
fa_funct_name(fa): name of the this called function (char *)
Instance creation
Full synopsis
newinst somecomponent somenewname < pincount=0 > < other_instanceparam=xxx > -- extra_arg1 extra_arg2 ......
Usage examples:
newinst somecomponent somenewcomp8 pincount=8
addf somecomp8 servo-thread
Loads somecomponent and creates a new instance of 'somecomp8' with 8 pins and adds the function to a thread
newinst componentname newcomponentname
If you just want a component with the default number of pins (if applicable)
These are a type of RTAPI_IP_xxx kernel module parameter used for passing values to the instance
Only types of RTAPI_IP_INT and RTAPI_IP_UINT are supported in instcomp.
These are declared in the .icomp file as for example
instanceparam int pincount = 2;
instanceparam u32 functn = 255;
Any instanceparam used for counting index or scaling should normally be of type RTAPI_IP_INT (signed int)
The UINT variant is provided for situations where conversion between hex and dec values and bit shifting for instance, can result in incorrect returns using a signed integer
Strings are not supported as instanceparams. Unlimited strings accessed by argc / argv mechanism can be passed using the extra_arg parameters.
The reason for this is that kernel module parameters were never envisaged to be used repeatedly by new instances.
Therefore they persist for the life of the 'base component' and are volatile, meaning the next instance will overwrite the values used by the previous one.
Saving a numerical value for use is quite simple, but saving a string which could be any length would involve allocating memory to duplicate it, making it a wasteful process and requiring the explicit freeing of that memory when the instance exits.
There is another consideration regards strings. If the first string to be passed with the first instance of the component is short and a longer string is passed to a subsequent instance, there is no guarantee that enough memory was allocated to contain the new longer string, a major concern given that module parameters are reused for each new instance.
For these reasons, do not use the instanceparam value directly, access it through a copy in the inst_data struct which is named local_[instanceparamname]
The most common example is in those components which create variable pin numbers through the 'pincount=NN' parameter.
The 'pincount' value is accessed via local_pincount in your component function body
See multiswitch and lutn examples below
Backwards compatability
halcmd has been modified so that loadrt will work as previously, but with the new instantiated components.
Thus existing configs will still work for the most part using loadrt (see Notes below)
This includes the sim configs included with machinekit
Components with underscore separated names ( C style ) are created with the names as per the name of the component -
eg. loadrt charge_pump will create a module called charge_pump.0
comp used to produce one called charge-pump.0
The new naming is more logical, but may break a few configs
To keep an existing config working, simply load with newinst charge_pump charge-pump.0
and you get a module the same name as the rest of your hal file expects.
The parameters 'cfg=' or 'personality=' are deprecated and have no meaning with instantiated components The declaration 'singleton' likewise has no meaning as it is contrary to the basic concept of instantiation.
Those parameters / declarations are still to be found in a few legacy components that either use them so heavily or in such a convoluted / obfuscated fashion, that they have not been converted to instantiable components, or rely upon there only ever being one component in existence.
At present those components are:
Other components not converted, are those from C sources and those integral to the system and only ever intended to be loaded once per session
examples are:
See the src/hal/components directory for the remaining legacy components
These components have SMP_SAFE v2 versions, but they are C instantiated components, not .icomps.
Reserved declarations etc.
is the reserved instance parameter name, which can be used as a numerator and index for arrays
If it is set the option MAXCOUNT may be set too, as below
*'instanceparam int pincount = 8;'*
*option MAXCOUNT 16;*
(The pincount value will be used in the #define DEFAULTCOUNT as the default where no size is specified)
It can be used directly in the icomp file header as an array index size specifier
pin in float in-##[pincount];
Within your code, in the function body, a local copy within the instance struct is used to get this value
for( x = 0; x < local_pincount; x++)
// do stuff
This option sets the maximum pins allowed to be created.
If any arrays of pins are used, MAXCOUNT will define the upper limit of pins set by instcomp
It can only be set in the icomp header itself and cannot be altered
If not defined it is set to the value in pincount
Example 1.
pin bit inval-##[pincount];
instanceparam int pincount = 8;
option MAXCOUNT 16;
Thereafter a default creation of an instance will have 8 pins <component>.inval-00 to inval-07
Example 1a.
In the same component, if pincount is supplied as an argument to the newinst call,
it overrules the preset number of pins in arrays using 'pincount' as an index,
up to a maximum (MAXCOUNT) which was set in the .comp file and fixed when the component base was compiled
newinst <component> newname pincount=16
will result in a new instance of the component called newname, with 16 pins .inval-00 to .inval-15
Extra args
Any additional args which do not match the RTAPI_IP_PARAM parameters expected, are passed through the argc / argv mechanism to the new component
These should be separated from the instanceparam args with two dashes --
newinst somecomponent somenewname < pincount=0 > < other_instanceparam=xxx > -- extra_arg1 extra_arg2 ......
This allows the use of 'arg=value' type arguments without newinst believing it should be an instanceparam argument
As an example, see the C driver for the DE0-NANO-Soc FPGA boards
This passes a complex configuration string without using instparams via the argc/argv mechanism.
Using in the comp file:-
option extra_inst_setup;
allows you to create a function in your component, EXTRA_INST_SETUP(), which will receive the argc / argv data. You can the parse and act upon extra arguments passed before the component is set 'ready'
See the message.icomp file for an example of passing strings via this mechanism and printing them when triggered.
A return value other than zero from this function will abort instance creation.
See also the lutn example
Syntax and Options differences
Some syntax and options are deprecated.
'personality' has no meaning in these components, since instances are created singly and externally rather than within the component
'cfg' A parameter used with personality, no longer used
'count' Preserved for backward compability with simple loadrt commands, see Backward Compatability section above, but not used by the component itself or with newinst commands
'names' Just a synonym for count really, same comments apply
'userspace' The instances are essentially userspace, but not in the sense that this option meant, use the comp compiler
'data' Any data to be preserved between polls to the component can be stored in variables in the declaration section of the icomp (below the pin declarations). The use of typedefed structs accessed via a void *_data pointer are no longer supported
The differing options are:
'option extra_inst_setup yes' - (default: no) If specified, call the function defined by 'EXTRA_INST_SETUP' for each instance. argc and argv are passed to this function, so it is a good place to parse additional arguments passed to the component in the newinst call
'option extra_inst_cleanup yes' - (default: no) If specified, call the function defined by 'EXTRA_INST_CLEANUP' from the automatically defined 'rtapi_app_exit', or if an error is detected in the automatically defined 'rtapi_app_main'.
'instanceparam [int ] param_name = <value>' Instanceparams that may be passed to the component at newinst If value not set, will be set to 0
'option MAXCOUNT'
New options:
instcomp now produces documentation manual pages asciidoc format.
asciidoc format is selected by building Machinekit with the configure option --enable-build-documentation=asciidoc -
All the man pages are available on-line and locally via the machinekit-docs package viewable using mank (man konverter)
eg. to view this page
mank instcomp
option special_format_doc (default: none)
This option is to allow a piece of asciidoc text to be inserted in a formatted form immediately
after the main description in the asciidoc rendering of the manual page.
An example of when you might want to do this, is when wanting to display a table
eg. the lutn5.icomp component.
Restrictions / reserved names
Though HAL permits a pin, a parameter, and a function to have the same name, instcomp does not.
Variable and function names that can not be used or are likely to cause problems include:
Anything beginning with 'inst'
Same syntax and options as comp, just use instcomp instead.
Best form of explanation, below are 3 components demonstrating the differing option usages etc.
Note this component is no different to the standard component. The C code that is created is different and allows instantiation but at comp file level, because arrays are not used and no need to preset an pincount for the default pin numbers, it all looks the same
component constant "Use a parameter to set the value of a pin";
pin out float out;
param rw float value;
function _;
license "GPL";
out = value;
This component uses an array of bit pins indexed with pincount Maximum number of pins are 16 and the default is 6,
extra_inst_setup is used, but just for initialisation of values before entering the main loop
component multiswitch """This component toggles between a specified number of output bits""";
pin in bit up = false "Receives signal to toggle up";
pin in bit down = false "Receives signal to toggle down";
param rw unsigned top-position "Number of positions";
param rw signed position "Current state (may be set in the HAL)";
pin out bit bit-##[pincount] = false "Output bits";
instanceparam int pincount = 6;
option MAXCOUNT 16;
function _ ;
option extra_inst_setup yes;
variable int old_up = 0;
variable int old_down = 0;
author "ArcEye / Andy Pugh";
license "GPL2";
int i;
// debounce
if (up && !old_up) { position++; }
if (down && !old_down) { position--;}
old_up = up;
old_down = down;
if (position < 0) position = top_position;
if (position > top_position) position = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < local_pincount; i++){
bit(i) = (i == position);
top_position = local_pincount - 1;
return 0;
This component has the same instanceparam features as before,
with an extra instanceparam defined - a unsigned int functn which takes a hex value
Note that the stored local_functn is used.
It shows how to take further args not defined as instanceparams, which are passed through the argc / argv mechanism and printed in extra_inst_setup()
// instantiable lookup table component with configurable number of pins
// usage:
// halcmd newinst lutn and2 pincount=2 functn=0x8 arg1 arg2
// halcmd newinst lutn or2 pincount=2 functn=0xe arg1 arg2
component lutn "instantiable lookup table component with configurable number of pins";
// Input Pins
pin in bit in-##[pincount];
pin out bit out;
instanceparam int pincount = 2;
option MAXCOUNT 5;
instanceparam uint functn = 0;
option extra_inst_setup;
license "GPL";
author "Michael Haberler";
function _;
int i;
int shift = 0;
for (i = 0; i < local_pincount; i++)
if (in(i))
shift += (1 << i);
out = (local_functn & (1 << shift)) != 0;
// extra args not related to instanceparams can be parsed and dealt with here
int x;
for(x = 0; x < argc; x++)
hal_print_msg(RTAPI_MSG_ERR,"argv[%d] = %s", x, argv[x]);
return 0;