Hardware Abstraction Layer Using HAL Introduction HAL Introduction HAL Concepts HAL Components Timing Issues Hal Basics HAL Commands HAL Data HAL Files HAL Components Logic Components Conversion Components Hal Tutorial Introduction A Simple Example Halmeter Stepgen Example Halscope Hal Examples Manual toolchange Compute-Velocity Soft Start Stand Alone HAL Hal General reference General Naming Conventions Hardware Driver Naming Conventions Parallel Port parport probe_parport RT components Stepgen PWMgen Encoder PID Simulated Encoder Debounce Siggen lut5 Creating Userspace Python Components Basic Usage Userspace Components and Delays Create pins and parameters Reading and Writing pins and parameters Exiting Project Ideas Canonical devices Introduction Digital Input Digital Output Analog Input Analog Output Tools Halcmd Halmeter Halscope HalShow Starting Halshow HAL Tree area HAL Show area HAL Watch area Developing Writing HAL Components Comp Component Generator Instcomp Component Generator Hardware Drivers AX5214H GS2 VFS11 hostmot2 motenc opto22 pico_ppmc pluto_p servo_to_go GM xhc-whb04b-6 hy_vfd